Friday, December 4, 2015

Thesis Defense!

The day is finally here. After two years of learning and data gathering and statistical analyses and writing and BIRDS - so so many BIRDS 😁 - I am finally ready to defend my thesis.

If you happen to find yourself by the San Francisco State University campus on Tuesday December 8 at 2:10pm, stop on by!

The project has morphed over time to be not quite the thesis I had originally intended but that is the beauty of science. Today I gave a practice talk for my advisor and lab mates and they helped me find my story amidst all the things I want to share. You know that phrase, "can't see the forest through the trees"? That's how it was feeling prior to this morning. It was the first time I had stepped back and looked at the project as a whole.

I feel so grateful at this moment to everyone who has helped me along the way. Financially, emotionally, gastronomically, and beyond. I will not name everyone's name here but please know you are thanked a million times over.

By my next post I'll be Dena Emmerson, M.S.

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