Monday, April 27, 2015

Birds of the Day - Monday April 27, 2015

Lake Merced

Sunrise is getting earlier and earlier. Today Charlie and I got started at 6:15am at Lake Merced. My goal was to catch two birds that have been eluding me this season. Unfortunately I think it just isn't going to happen. They respond well to the playback but the net locations just aren't ideal.

The perfect situation is to set up a net between two stands of tall vegetation so that the bird gets caught flying from one stand to the next. Unfortunately at Lake Merced there are isolated clumps of low brush separated by relatively large open spaces. The birds I've been trying to catch have hopped down by the speaker but remain protected in their bushes. Alas, these two continue to be elusive.

I did, however, catch three birds this morning. Two previously unbanded individuals and one recapture from last year.

The first one was a second-year male halfway grown into his black-and-white crown. He became "RS/RY" today:

Then there was this recapture male from 2014, "S/YOB":

And in the same net we caught a female who became "OGO/S":

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