Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sharing the Science!

An important part of being a scientist is disseminating your results. This happens through a variety of outlets including scientific publications, presenting at conferences, and popular science articles, among others.

While my research is still in progress I do have some preliminary results from the birds I caught and recorded in 2014. So far this year I've presented at three different conferences. These are great opportunities to not only share results but also to meet scientists - both professionals and students - in different disciplines.

Northern California Parasitologists Winter Meeting - February 2015

Depending on how you look at it my project can fall into many different categories - ornithology, conservation, bioacoustics, ecology, and in this case, parasitology. Calvin Lee (pictured at the left) and I also both won student awards! As part of this award I also won travel funds to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists, which will be in Nebraska this June.

San Francisco State University Graduate Student Showcase - April 2015

This showcase was an opportunity for graduate students to share the research they've been conducting with the San Francisco State community. We filled the whole gym! Immediately following the showcase there was a dinner and raffle where I luckily came away with two gift cards to Burgermeister!

16th Bay Area Conservation Biology Symposium - May 2015

This conference was a quick one-day symposium but provided the opportunity for those of us who are researching and interested in conservation biology to share are work and meet each other. I presented in the Organismal Ecology & Conservation Section along with Silas, a fellow grad student from SFSU. 

Upcoming Conferences

American Society of Parasitologists - June 2015 - Omaha, NE

This is the annual meeting of the national society and the conference I won travel funds to at the Northern California Society meeting. I've never been to Omaha so decided to travel via CouchSurfing to get a local introduction to the city.

American Ornithologists Union/Cooper Ornithological Society - July 2015 - Norman, OK

I've applied for a travel grant to present at and attend this conference so it's still a pending option but this is the BIG bird conference of the year. It's filled with all sorts of exciting ornithological talks and birding field trips!

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